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April 20, 2011



A complete overhaul is $230 and they pay for shipping both ways. When you look at it - I've had mine for over 5 years with no problems - I'd rather have Jura Capresso do a complete overhaul and get a practicularly new machine - then buy another brand which doesn't compare.

Milton Sandy

If the average American spends $30 a month on retail brewed coffee, how do you expect this machine will pay for itself in 6-7 months? Sounds like government arithmetic to me.

In all fairness, I own an earlier model and it is great when it is working. The earlier comment is a fair warning that they are near impossible to work on and factory service is outrageously expensive.

jay wood

In fairness to your customer base you should mention that No parts for system repair are available to the consumer Jura will not sell them and forces you to pay shipment and minimum repair charges of $380 for simple repairs they give some lame excuse of UL listing virtually every appliance sold in the US is UL listed and you can buy parts for them fixing a coffee machine is not rocket science so this is just a company policy to control pricing

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